The Democratic Party is the party of inclusion — at least that’s how it’s been marketing itself really since 2008. It’s an institution that throws all of its weight behind the mantra that “diversity” is our strength.
Here’s the problem, though — some people don’t like other people. Some people actually hate other people for absurd reasons. Sometimes, this manifests in ways that would make anyone who values liberal values at all extremely uncomfortable. This should include murdering homosexuals just for being who they are.
So, diversity is not our strength — unless this diversity is limited only to people and groups who are willing to tolerate each other’s existence.
Let’s be very clear about this: we’re not using this image to suggest that Muslims living in Los Angeles have the same attitudes about homosexuals as Muslims living in Riyadh do. In fact, there seems to be a pretty substantial difference. All we’re suggesting is that it’s worth pointing out where these horrific attitudes and behaviors come from.
~ Facts Not Memes