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Reminder: The USA Is Supposed to be Different Than Europe

How many times have you heard leftists like Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders lament over the fact that the United States doesn’t have a particular government program that some country in Europe has?

You’ve heard this a lot — it’s sort of the rallying cry for the modern left. Rather than simply moving to a country that better reflects their values, they demand that America conform to some arbitrary international standard. They appear to miss the fact that the United States outperforms Europe and the rest of the world economically by a wide margin, and this is no accident. It’s also likely the reason that celebrity threats to “move out of the country” if some right-wing policy or politician is approved always are never realized.

The United States is distinguished from the rest of the world on purpose. We don’t have a universal health care program because we understand that free markets are more effective in developing medical technologies and treatments. We don’t have endless welfare programs because it robs individuals of their purpose and drive to stand on their own. Coincidentally, the United States is the wealthiest county on Earth.

Considering this, isn’t it a bit odd that the left wants America to be more like Europe?

~ Facts Not Memes

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