If you haven’t been paying attention to the Hong Kong protests, you should know that the freedom fighters in the city consider American history and President Donald Trump to be an inspiration. Specifically, the Hong Kong-ites point to the American Revolution as the inspiration that helps them keep resisting the brutal Communist regime in Beijing.
When you catch any footage of the protests there, the thing that is truly amazing is all the American flags – as depicted in this meme. They really seem to think that America today is the same America that we grew up in.
And yet hordes of terrorists are destroying our statues and erasing American history, and very few Americans have had the guts to stand up to the mobs and stop them. President Trump is protecting federal statues and monuments, but far too many mayors and state and local officials are failing to resist these mob actions.
The mob will never stop unless America stops them. This should be clear by now! Cowardly politicians caved to the mobs and allowed them to abolish the Confederate flag – so now the mobs want to abolish the national flag. It never ends unless people stand up to it. This meme is right. It’s time for us to be the America that Hong Kong thinks we are.