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Remember Not to Feed ‘#Obamagate’ at Night…

Social media companies are not reacting well to Obamagate.

You know, the criminal conspiracy that Barack Obama hatched to have the FBI frame Gen. Mike Flynn on a false charge so they could continue issuing falsified FISA warrants to a court and spy on the Trump campaign and embroil the nation in a three-year-long game of whack-a-mole hunting for non-existent Russian spies?

Yeah, that Obamagate. The one that Barack Obama and Joe Biden both knew all about…

Anyway, the social media companies trying to suppress that information are basically running tap water on a Mogwai, according to this meme. (Mogwai: Cantonese term for “devil.”) And if you got that joke, then you’re probably old enough to remember the bizarre horror-comedy film “Gremlins” from 1984.

Honestly, the former members of the Obama Administration would probably rather deal with Gremlins terrorizing their homes at this point.

There are just three rules for caring for a Mogwai. Don’t expose them to sunlight, don’t get them wet, and never feed them after midnight. If you break those rules, the Mogwai reproduces and its offspring turn out to be nasty little gremlins who run around ruining your shopping mall.

Anyway, good luck suppressing the truth from the American people once again, social media companies. We can already see how that’s going to work out!

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