The August mass shooting in El Paso, Texas was a chilling reminder that there really is evil on all sides of the political spectrum. The shooter himself identified as an “eco-fascist”, and was apparently a fan of President Donald Trump. The President himself has made it perfectly clear that this admiration is strictly one-sided.
Mass shootings done with political motivations is sadly nothing new — either in the United States or in other parts of the world. Just a few years ago, a gunman opened fire at a Congressional baseball event, specifically targeting Republican lawmakers. He was an avowed Bernie Sanders supporter, and blamed Republicans for all of the country’s social misgivings.
So, both of these events are bad, right? And the responsibility falls specifically on the shooter, not the politician they claimed to admire, right?
You would think that these would be very easy questions to answer — because they are. Sanders was not responsible for the shooting on the baseball field. Likewise, President Trump was not responsible for what happened at a Walmart in El Paso. This isn’t difficult.
Apparently, the left isn’t following this simple logic. They’re prepared to die on this hill where Trump is responsible for every act of violence in the country. But if we take them at their logic — that is, that edgy rhetoric causes political violence — shouldn’t they be taking a harder look at themselves right now?