Sometimes the truth of a meme cuts straight to the bone. When it was first reported last week that thousands of ventilators that President Donald Trump had redirected to New York were just sitting in a warehouse, it sounded like another one of those internet conspiracy theories. That couldn’t possibly be true, right?
But sure enough, the very next day, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo (D) sheepishly announced that, yes, all those ventilators are sitting in a warehouse. You know… for later.
Huh?! This is the same guy who had been preaching for days beforehand that PEOPLE ARE DYING of the Wuhan flu because they don’t have ventilators. Cuomo’s weak sauce excuse after he got busted was that they were saving the ventilators for when the virus peaks.
And this is the guy that Democrats desperately wanted to jump in the race for president to take on Trump? Cuomo is a weasel politician. While he has taken some good steps toward containing the virus (credit where credit is due), he is still taking cheap shots at President Trump instead of simply doing his job.
This meme is 100% true – and it is proof that Cuomo is not presidential material.