If you haven’t heard the news yet, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) has announced the House of Representatives won’t be going back to work just yet. She’s going to let the Paycheck Protection Program and the American people languish for a few more days in order to try to get more left-wing free ponies and other pork stuffed into the next relief bill.
Or, maybe she just enjoying more of that $13-a-pint gourmet ice cream out of her $24,000 matching luxury freezers for a few more days. But whatever. The main thing is that the House won’t be reopening on schedule.
Isn’t it amazing? If Republicans were refusing to go back to work in Congress, the entire mainstream media would be calling it a “government shutdown” while profiling brave workers at the post office who are struggling to pay their mortgages.
But while everyday Americans are hurting and Pelosi shuts Congress down, the media is instead calling Pelosi “courageous” for making the “tough call” to not go back to her job. She makes $220,000 a year as Speaker, by the way, and not the measly $170,000 that the rank-and-file Members make, as noted here.