Can’t you just feel the sarcasm oozing off of Sherlock Holmes in this meme? Or is he supposed to be Iron Man here?
Either way, we can all totally empathize with that sarcasm after seeing the train wreck of a coronavirus “rescue” package that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) used to hijack America. Because when a serious and potentially fatal pandemic hits America, the really important thing is
that we take immediate and concrete steps to address… global warming.
New emissions standards for jets? Really, Nancy? Not even the global warming nuts are worried about global warming these days!
The one silver lining of this Chinese virus is that it’s made everyone realize what’s really important when you get down to it. When American lives are on the line, no one cares about your weird pronouns that you just made up, global warming, banning the Second Amendment, or any of the other fake unconstitutional power grabs that the Democrats are after.
President Trump’s team is actually trying to save American lives and rescue our economy, while Pelosi is a broken record stuck on the tune of “2019 Identity Politics.”