Why Does Emma Gonzalez Want to Disarm Gays?

Emma Gonzalez, one of the most prominent Parkland mass shooting survivors thanks to the liberal media, was caught sporting an odd accessory during last week's M ...Continue reading

Winston Churchill’s Stern Reminder of What Socialism Really Is

Winston Churchill, perhaps the most iconic British leader of the twentieth century, penned some of the best critiques of socialism and left-wing progressivism t ...Continue reading

No, Poster Boards Aren’t Easier to Buy Than AR-15s…

Here's a question for everyone with children: do you remember the last time when you had to pass an extensive background check to purchase school supplies, then ...Continue reading

Meet the New Leaders of the Democratic Party

Normally, after suffering humiliating election upsets, political parties revert to square one and spend a considerable amount of time rebranding themselves. ...Continue reading

Protester Claims Gun Owners Use Firearms to ‘Save Masculinity’

Leave it up to the progressive left to rely entirely on works of fiction to support their non-arguments... In this image, we see a protest sign featured duri ...Continue reading

Rand Paul Scorns Republicans Over Omnibus Spending Bill

Kentucky Senator Rand Paul broke ranks from his Republican colleagues after a massive $1.3 trillion omnibus spending bill made its way through Congress. The ...Continue reading

The Biggest Difference Between Hillary Clinton and Vladimir Putin

In March, President Donald Trump came under fire after it was reported that he called recently "re-elected" Russian President Vladimir Putin to congratulate him ...Continue reading

Careful What You Wish For — This is What ‘More Government’ Gets You

It's a phrase that's been meme'd to death at this point, but it certainly holds true: millennials truly are the first generation in American history to protest ...Continue reading

CNN’s Russia Obsession is Reaching Comical Levels

What you're seeing here is CNN's programming in a nutshell... With President Donald Trump still seemingly innocent of any so-called "collusion" with the Russ ...Continue reading

Wealthy Elites Lecture the Rest of America on Income Inequality

Well, this was certainly "rich" in every sense of the word... Recently, a handful of multi-millionaires decided to have a televised get-together to discuss w ...Continue reading

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