Do you want to know who knows for a fact that Joe Biden is toast right now? Barack Obama.
The photograph in this meme is real. Obama was finally called in to start campaigning for his dud of a vice president this month, because the Democrats’ internal polling has them in a state of panic.
This is Obama yelling at a crowd of Biden supporters through a bullhorn. There’s no crowd off-camera behind the people you see here. That’s the whole crowd.
Both times when Obama campaigned for president, he had fairly good-sized crowds show up no matter where he went. Obama never drew Trump-sized crowds, but at least the crowds that he drew were not embarrassing.
Joe Biden has been averaging crowd sizes of around eight people for the past three months. Six of those will usually be reporters, spaced out in little shame circles chalked on the sidewalk and under strict orders to not ask any questions about Ukraine or Hunter Biden.
Just look at the sad, tired expression in Obama’s eyes as he’s standing there, bull-horning a tiny crowd that’s standing just a few feet away from him. Obama knows what’s up on Election Day.