From lighting up Christian symbols to celebrating the mass murder of the unborn, it’s safe to say that New York City has been through some very radical changes over the past century.
Earlier this month, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo signed legislation legalizing abortion up until birth, cementing the state’s status as having the most radical abortion laws in America. Disturbingly, other states like Virginia seem like they’re going to follow New York’s example.
To add insult to injury to the millions of New Yorkers who actually care about the unborn — including the majority of Democrats who actually oppose late-term abortion — Governor Cuomo ordered state monuments to be lit up pink to “celebrate” the historic event. Of course, Cuomo called it a historic day for “reproductive rights” in the state, but left out the fact that it was also a historic day for what is effectively age-based genocide.
For many younger Americans — especially conservative ones — the left half of this image might seem unbelievable. Considering that New York City has always been a bastion of progressive values, it really shows how far in the wrong direction this country has gone.
~ Facts Not Memes