Playing the victim is hard work — so hard, in fact, that spending a few bucks on a box of ramen at Walmart is simply out of the question.
Since the so-called Occupy Wall Street protests of 2010, the internet has been flooded with images of privileged protesters claiming that they are the most oppressed people in the world. The irony is not lost when these same people are shown bravely voicing their dissent with the $600+ mobile devices they likely received as Christmas gifts from their parents.
This photograph takes this irony to the next level.
According to the woman pictured here, ramen noodles (ie, the cheapest food ever created in the history of food) cost WAY too much, and the damned bourgeois are to blame. Nevermind the fact that this woman’s outfit alone could probably buy her enough ramen to make her never want to eat the noodle soup ever again — but that’s simply asking too much, isn’t it?
This is yet another example of why leftist demonstrators are impossible to take seriously sometimes. Their calls for social equality are lost in this sea of hypocrisy.
~ Facts Not Memes