Raise your hand if you “survived” the FCC overturning former President Obama’s net neutrality rules.
Okay, now keep your hand in the air if you also survived 2017’s tax cuts, the removal of the Obamacare mandate, and the nomination of Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch.
By Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s standards, you shouldn’t be alive, and neither should “millions” of people who are also going to perish under as a direct result of Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court.
This has been the gut reaction of Democratic leaders for the better part of two years now. We can’t have simple policy disagreements anymore. Instead, it’s “if Trump gets his way, we’re ALL GOING TO DIE IN A FIRE!”
Thankfully, this shameless hyperbole hasn’t done much to convince the American people to support them. In fact, the president’s approval has been steadily climbing. It’s almost as if the American people no longer trust the establishment or something…
~ Facts Not Memes