Kamala Harris Is as Dumb as a Sack of Hammers and Here’s the Proof

Kamala Harris was asked this week by a radio host to explain the Ukraine conflict in layman’s terms. The text in this meme is an exact quote of how Harris explained the situation. Keep in mind, this is the person that Joe Biden sent to Germany to talk to NATO about how to deal with the Ukraine situation. Task Force Kamala is on the job!

It’s official. Dan Quayle is no longer the dumbest vice president that we’ve seen our lifetimes. Kamala Harris is going to be wearing that crown for a long, long time. Good grief!

Ukraine is small? Russia is big? Seems like Harris has been skipping out on reading her intelligence briefings lately!

Notice that she didn’t mention anything vaguely related to what the conflict is all about. She didn’t mention the fact that Biden and the EU are trying to bring Ukraine into NATO, which directly affects Russia’s national security and caused the war to break out. She didn’t mention that neocons from George W. Bush to Hillary Clinton have been trying to goad Russia into a war for years.

Instead, we get, “Ukraine small, Russia big, Russia bad” from the village idiot.

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25 thoughts on “Kamala Harris Is as Dumb as a Sack of Hammers and Here’s the Proof”

    1. Well, you’d think so, but no, nobody is doing that yet. Are we waiting to scoot them out in the middle of WW111? When would be a good time; MONTHS AGO???

      1. Because they would have one less vote in Congress because the president doesn’t cast votes and there’d be no Vice President until they picked a gay trans black Hispanic identifying carrot to replace hHarris

    2. Biden can be impeached, if the Republicans enact the ‘WAR POWERS ACT’ against him.
      With all the illegals he’s letting in, they are a threat to National Security!

      1. When the Republicans take over Congress in November, the Republicans can start impeachment proceedings, but it will take so long to get brain-dead Biden out of office, he will be there for his remaining 3 years and destroy our country or whatever is left of it. I ask how is it possible to have so many pathetically stupid people in the Whitehouse making decisions for 340 million people. I know the election was stolen from Trump and all I can say is he would have never allowed Russia to attack Ukraine. Putin was simply waiting for Biden to become President before attacking because he was terrified of Trump. I recall the very first thing I said to my family was Biden will cause Putin to start WWIII, and I am sorry to say, I was right. I wish Biden would get off his ass and send help to Ukraine. Their President Zelensky is so brave but they cannot defend Ukraine forever. I pray for Ukraine

  1. I’m not sure who is more difficult to listen to when their lips move ….AOC or Cum’allya. Both women aren’t too smart. One knows this because when either one of them speaks, THEY think what they’re saying is important, but what we’re hearing is complete and utter nonsense. Both of these girls are inept and incompetent to do their respective jobs…… and I’d venture to say that literally one tenth of one percent of people in this country could actually give a g’dam what either one of these idiots has to say

    1. I must be psychic as can foresee when stupid is about to be spouted. Wearing out my TV’s control ‘mute’ button’ with so many stupid (and dangerous) comments from so many politicians.

  2. A quote from someone on the internet says, “This is what you get when you order a President by mail”. Truer words were never spoken. Must stop ballots by mail or we’ll have many more just like Sleepy Joe, AOC and “President Harris” in DC for years to come. Americans have to wake up!!

  3. Kamala La land Harris is Proof Positive that you Cannot Fix Stupid. If you look at the Biden’s Gang of Incompetent Malcontents you find it is Overrun with Stupid and Corrupt Political Hacks. Unfortunately this includes are Military “leaders”?

    The sooner we Get Rid of these Idiots the Better. They are a Clear and Present Danger!

    1. Interesting what you are referring to Obummer “as” but I “do” have to agree; a stupid and corrupt political hack!!!

  4. You don’t have to have any brains when you sleep your way to the top. All you do is lay there and spread your legs.
    Then reap the rewards or use blackmail.

  5. Both Biden & Harris are nothing but shills and spokepersons for the people in the back ground that are really making decisions and running both them and this country….period.!!

  6. These Republicans best grow some balls & take junkyard dog lessons from Trump! They must unite like the little donkies & stick together no matter what? Our party is their own worst enemies. They did as much harm to Trump as the dems did. And get rid of the so called spineless leaders of the house & senate. Replace them with two fighters that will, every day & every way, disrupt/destroy the dems “anti-American crusades! We don’t need party leaders that only want to make friends & are afraid of being called big meanies? The dems sure as hell don’t give a rats ass about our concerns? Wake the hell up GOP! Time is running out!

  7. Kamala sounds like she’s speaking to a kindergarten class. That was about the dumbest remark I’ve ever heard from an adult speaking to other adults. She isn’t the only dumb one in D.C., Biden & Pelosi can say some pretty dumb things as well. All of them need to go to Gitmo! They’re all guilty of treason. FJB

  8. We’ve got to get rid of our “Leaders”? They’re ruining this country. There won’t be anything left for my grandchildren. Behind the scenes, calling the shots – Obama, Soros, Gates, etc. No way is numb nuts calling the shots. He doesn’t even know what day it is.

  9. She thougjt she was talking to a kindergarten class or she’s really that stupid one. But A.O.C. definitely still holds the title of the Most “CLUELESS” Legislator in American history!. But in all due seriousness, Watch the Democrats closely that they don’t escalate this conflict in Ukraine into WW-3. Might be just the distraction they are looking for! I certainly wouldn’t put it past them….

  10. Brandon is a mental basket case, but if he goes, that stupid bitch is president. I can’t even get my head around that. As soon as republicans take control of congress this year, they had better quickly impeach both of those fools and remove them from office.

  11. I hope to GOD this is indicative of the prevailing intelligence in America. I live in CA. My partner will not leave and I
    guess I’m stuck here, a stranger in a strange land.

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