This no-nonsense meme simply quotes Joe Biden accurately from a televised appearance this week. No muss, no fuss, no comedy, no hidden symbolism. It’s just Joe Biden’s actual words plastered on an image.
Frankly, Biden’s comment about black Americans being a monolithic, a-cultural bloc with a single hive mind deserves to be memorialized like this forever. This opinion of Joe Biden’s is the same opinion that has been held by the Democratic Party for more than 150 years.
To the Democrats, black Americans are just a single-celled blob that is only useful during election years. Whereas Biden views the Hispanics in America as diverse!
Fortunately, it looks like black Americans are catching on to the Democratic Party’s decades-long okey-doke. Trump support among black voters is somewhere between 19 percent and 39 percent, depending on which poll you look at. If that seems low, consider the fact that even 19 percent is twice as high as black support has been for any Republican candidate in modern history.
And it’s also high enough that it puts a Biden victory outside of the realm of possibility in a fair election. So, keep talking, Joe!