Hoo boy! The Biden campaign trotted out the crusty groper again the other day and let’s just say… it didn’t go well. In order to show that he’s hip and totally ready to roll through the barrio with his homies, Joe Biden took out his phone and played a Latin pop song to pander.
The song that Biden played? “Despacito.”
Apparently, the lyrics of the tune when translated into English say that the guy wants to breathe into a woman’s neck and whisper dirty stuff in her ear.
Uh… okay…
We don’t think the Biden campaign thought that one through very well, considering Gropey Joe’s disturbing habit of sniffing the hair of unsuspecting women and children. This meme pokes fun a Biden’s pandering, while reminding everyone of Biden’s catastrophic “You ain’t black” remark that he made last month.
The fake sombrero and mustache are nice touch, even if the idea was cribbed from the Babylon Bee. Let’s face it. Joe Biden was friends with segregationists when he first entered Congress 50 years ago, and he’s never really gotten over his feelings of contempt for minorities in America.