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If Joe Biden is the Best the Democrats Have to Offer…

Donald Trump made such a strong showing in the 2016 election that you knew the Democrats would pull out all the stops to try to beat him in 2020. Trump vanquished 16 primary GOP opponents and then won an electoral college landslide against the unbeatable, inevitable Crooked Hillary.

But then, a strange thing happened on the way to the election. The media couldn’t figure out which champion juggernaut of progressive woke social justice would be the best one to beat Donald Trump.

At first, the media was in love with Beto O’Rourke, aka Tex Kennedy. Beto was a deep thinker on a skateboard and was going to take everyone’s guns away. And… then Beto was gone.

Up next was the young, hip California Congressman Eric Swalwell, who has never met a Russian collusion conspiracy theory he didn’t believe. Swalwell was also going to take away everyone’s guns, plus he would nuke any states that resisted him. Super woke! And… then Swalwell was gone.

Who would be the champion to defeat Donald Trump and end our long national nightmare of peace and prosperity? Would it be Pocahontas Warren? Bizarro cult member Tulsi Gabbard? Spartacus Booker? Red Bernie?

Nope! Poll after poll shows that Democrat voters prefer just one candidate to take on Donald Trump. And that’s why we sleep like the little guy in this meme every night.

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