With the Middle East completely destabilized, there seems to be no end to the mass migration crisis countries in Europe have to deal with. Sadly, nefarious actors have continually taken advantage of the situation, using the sympathy of western nations to gain asylum into areas that later become targets for terror.
Indirectly aiding in this effort are the leftists who control the continent, namely German Chancellor Angela Merkel and her supporters in the European Union. Thanks to the trading bloc’s open border policies, member states have become flooded with migrants that are impossible to vet. This is why “children” who could easily pass for military-age men are slipping into western borders with little to no difficulty.
To illustrate this another way, this image shows us what these refugee “children” would look like if they crossed into the Kingdoms of Men in Tolkien’s Middle Earth.
We can just hear it now: the rulers of Gondor and Rohan being told to stop being racist against orcs while the servants of Sauron wreak havoc across the realm. It’s hard to turn them back, because the dark land of Mordor has something none of the other kingdoms in Middle Earth seem to — a wall.
~ Facts Not Memes