Hillary’s Running for President, So Enjoy This Meme

It’s pretty clear at this point that Crooked Hillary is going to run for president once again in 2024. Why wouldn’t she? If the Democrat Party is willing to put Joe Biden – who is basically a brain in a jar at this point – in the White House, then why shouldn’t the Dragon Lady get another shot at the seat that she has coveted for more than 40 years?

And since it’s obvious that she wants to run, some intrepid memester decided to remind everyone of the many literal skeletons in the Clinton closet. Everyone from modern-day classics like Seth Rich and Jeffrey Epstein, to blasts from the past like Vince Foster and TravelGate makes the cut.

This is the gown that Crooked Hillary wore to the Met over the weekend, and she’s already made some nasty headlines based on that alone. She was photographed unmasked at the Met while her black servant who was fully masked was adjusting her gown for her. Stay classy, Hillary!

Even some of Bill’s many scandals are listed here as well, such as rape victim Juanita Broaddrick and sexual harassment victim Paula Jones. In case any needed a reminder of what terrible people the Clintons are before 2024!

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13 thoughts on “Hillary’s Running for President, So Enjoy This Meme”

  1. Another dress showing Clinton Foundation doners along with entities the Clintons have done “business” with over the years would also be appropriate.
    Kind of like a formal gown NASCAR jacket.

  2. This is a joke..right?! Killary is as delusional as hell to think she has even a 5% chance of winning

  3. This is such a PONY show. EVERYONE KNOWS you can’t govern from JAIL. …….but then again I always thought you needed a brain , BIDEN proves you don’t.
    Nor do you need to be a PATRIOT, HONEST , OR EVER RIGHT!

    1. Its all a planned distraction to take the focus off of her being under investigation!
      She belongs in jail, along with the rest of the democrats who colluded with her in the Russian hoaks.

  4. These corrupt democrats must be held accountable and prosecuted for what they have done to our people and to our country!

  5. Who have the democrats got that they can run? They don’t have any candidates that don’t have a lot of negative baggage.

  6. We are a living what a Democrat can do for our country and the people let’s hope everyone has a memory when it comes time to vote. 2016 to 20 we had safe borders not one soldier was hurt as we were pulling out of Afghanistan there were no Wars 1.87 for gas good economy shelves were stocked all these people that blame Trump must have been in a coma during that time all we’re told now from this Administration is what terrible people we are, this Administration is an enemy of the people… so sad

    1. Why us it that the Democrats can never find a viable presidential candidate who’s worth a shit?!!
      Guess I answered my own question….because they’re Democrats!!
      Other than Manchin, Sinema, or Gabbard, there’s not one person even remotely qualified to lead this nation.
      HilLIARy is a total c—t and shouldn’t really be running free with the rest of us as she’s guilty of too many crimes to elaborate on, ahhhhhhh…..to be a democrat, commit murder, financial corruption, tell nothing but lies and get away with the whole nine yards as your “friends” will have your back! This snatch belongs in prison

  7. That witch can’t run her own household what with Bill running amuck. And her riding on everyone’s coat tails.
    She couldn’t run this country on a fair and honest campaign.
    She didn’t know honesty if it slapped her in the face.

  8. Very hard to get justice when DEMOCRATS have STOLEN every part of our government. Until MIDTERMS DEMOCRATS have control.

    ..DEMOCRATS are blaming Republicans, MAGA , TRUMP, PUTIN, etc.
    DEMOCRATS platform is LIES LIES AND MORE LIES! and Blame shifting!

    AMERICAN choose who you VOTE for WISELY
    your life and FREEDOMS depends on it.
    GO MAGA! I for one will ONLY vote for TRUMP ENDORSE Candidate.


    Which DEMOCRATS are backing with money because they know the chance of getting a DEMOCRAT elected is not good. So they are putting in ringers as Republican. Sending out political messages with NOT ENDORCED RHINOS PICTURED WITH TRUMP. Be smart don’t fall for more LIES.


  10. Hillary will never see the inside of a jail but everyone knows knows what trash they are. Look at all the scandals They have been involved in. Now Bill enjoying favors from Jeffery E who is dead so Bill will escape new accusations.

    There is a program on one of the channels of ROKU and how the Clinton’s got so powerful. One of their security staff said Hillary talked worse than a drunkin sailor. Another one said she didn’t shower enough and smelled. These were in a book written about them. What about Bill telling the world she has eaten more kittey than he has.

    How about the things she stole from the white house when they left and were so broke they couldn’t even pay rent. She ended up buying them for a fraction of what they were worth. Of course this can be checked out in any of the search engines on the internet. The Clinton’s got to the top by showing their greed and crookedness and yes it got them to the top but look at the trash that came along with it. His affairs, questions about how their charity got off the ground. If it were not for Hillary wanting power she would have dumped Billy boy long ago . Her son in law and his dad have records. I think her daughter’s father in law was in prison. Birds of a feather flock together as they say.

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