This meme explains perfectly why a lot of us have doubts over whether the Republican Party is even going to survive after the 2022 midterms. Quick Pop Quiz: Name every single elected Republican in Congress who will say without even a shadow of a doubt that they believe the 2020 election was stolen by fraud.
Okay, just name one. We’ll wait.
Short list, right? More than 90 percent of Trump voters are completely convinced that our votes were stolen from us in the 2020 election. We’ve seen the evidence and we are totally convinced that the astonishing irregularities and miracle Biden vote dumps that happened at 4 a.m. in six states flipped the outcome.
How many Republicans in Congress are willing to state that out loud right now? You know the answer. We got a glimpse of it on the fake inauguration day, when House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell both skipped Donald Trump’s going-away ceremony in order to go church with noted pro-life champion Joe Biden.
Whatever happens, we’ll say this: there is definitely room for a strong third party alternative for conservatives who are sick of the empty promises from the GOP establishment. And while President Trump is no longer in office, he did prove one thing: it is possible to buck the establishment and enact real reform — in a fair election, that is…