Have You Noticed That Everything Biden Does Makes Americans Poorer?

Joe Biden has spent the last 13 months intentionally making Americans poorer. Nearly every policy decision he makes drives consumer prices up, especially for food, fuel and household necessities. This HAS to be intentional, as this meme implies.

The latest example of this is highlighted in this meme. Biden’s sanctions on Russia are not actually hurting Russia nearly as much as they’re hurting you. Russia is now the #1 country that America imports gasoline from. We get 21% of our fuel from Russia thanks to Joe Biden demolishing our domestic energy production.

Putin is laughing all the way to the bank, because a sizable number of countries are refusing to impose any sanctions on him – like our allies in Mexico and Brazil. Biden’s pointless sanctions have made Vladimir Putin and Russian energy oligarchs richer, while making the American middle class poorer.

Great job, Biden administration!

At this point, the $9.49 per gallon for regular unleaded in this meme is not out of the realm of possibility before Joe Biden leaves office. 

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13 thoughts on “Have You Noticed That Everything Biden Does Makes Americans Poorer?”

  1. It is simple math. Biden murders American energy sector, buys oil from Putin, Putin owns Burisma, Burisma makes trillions off the backs of Americans enslaved by Bidens energy policies, Hunter Biden gets obscenely RICH, minus 10 percent for the Big Guy, the terrorist and TRAITOR Joe Biden gets RICH for helping destroy America.

      1. Not lies, look at what’s going on with prices of everything going up. Truckers revolting do to mandates, jobs firing people do to mandates. Biden has dragged this country to the ground and people like you keep your head in the sand and refuse to see it.

        1. I drove a semi for 10 years why the revolt is going on is because truckers get paid in cents per mile rather than an hourly salary which means that it takes on average 120 hours or more per week driving to make a middle class paycheck which is in a factory only 40 hours per week! On top of that you have the DOT and state cops trying to financially rape you at every turn! So the truckers are like the farmers working themselves to death with absolutely nothing to show for it and with Biden’s get rich off of the Americans schemes it is completely enslaving them and forcing them to run way over hours just to feed themselves but still starving their families now! Trucking companies cannot pay drivers an hourly wage because it would bankrupt all long haul trucking operations!

        2. When any log book fine in Baltimore Maryland area is over $4,500 and your paycheck is less than $400 per week you see what I mean about being financially raped! They literally make you a slave!

    1. You are so right. Spot On I agree 100% I love this great country and Biden is destroying her. Well, I guess I should say Obama/Biden.

  2. DAMN….This Needs to Stop and the SOONER THE BETTER. Why can’t anyone in this administration see what HAS and IS Happening to the American People and continue to LET IT HAPPEN.

  3. The Socialists lie, cheat, steal, and then lie some more. It’s easy to do as they own 95% of the media. Biden sits in his basement in Delaware and then magically gets 81,000,000 votes? Nobody in history ever got near 10 million votes. And he did it without campaigning? Yeah, right, sure, whatever.

    1. Exactly. The DemoRAT elites told him to stay put in his basement and they had the election in their pockets.

  4. Ahhhhh… the absolute faith that the Biden Abomination brings to the table is frightening!! To have to listen to lie after lie after another lie while looking at the two narcissistic, reprehensible, pieces of shit sitting behind him was more than painful. What the hell was Nancy doing with her fists while Pedo-Joe was talking about “ burn pits”?, and Kameltoe the Kackler…… isn’t she just a laugh a minute, no pun intended.
    What I’m getting at is this,
    You look at those three “human beings” on the TV screen, and our Groper-in-Chief doesn’t even have to utter the first word……. THERE’S OUR…… STATE OF THE UNION. DEFINED!!
    I don’t know about the rest of you out there, but ME……. I’m scared shitless!!!!

    Since the “big guy” has been our leader, our country has succumbed to the whims of those who are actually pulling his strings, that is, whomever that is, they’re literally killing this country more with each passing day. I’m unfortunately living in a state that is “run” by a democratic dictator. Gasoline here is going to be at $6.00 a gallon next week…….. I saw diesel for sale at $5.89 a gallon yesterday soooooo……….
    The very first thing this lizard leader did was kill the Keystone Pipeline and it’s been a veritable “shit show” from that moment until now.
    We’re Screwed!! Yeah Joe, why don’t you make a phone call and see if OPEC or Russia can fill our petroleum needs, and send border patrol agents from here to the Ukraine.
    The great “UNIFIER”
    I want to throw up

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