This is at least the third time we’ve reported on USA Today being completely roasted for the paper’s ignorant slideshow on “possible modifications” for the AR-15, but this is by far the best contribution to date.
There’s nothing the government, specifically leftists within it, fears more than a self-sufficient armed citizen. It’s really the Second Amendment realized.
This meme made its rounds after former Vice President Joe Biden made an astonishing remark during a panel discussion on Fox News, wherein a viewer asked him how he could possibly take the liberal position on gun control right after an armed citizen prevented further slaughter during the infamous mass shooting in Sutherland, Texas.
According to Biden, the hero should not have been carrying an AR-15 either.
As a reminder, this is the same person who suggested that you could ward off home invaders by firing a shotgun blast into the sky — because that’s really the only protection you need, right?
~ Facts Not Memes