Apparently, the wealthy elite in the United States have been shelling out bribes to ensure their children are able to get into top-tier colleges. How this is actually news to anyone is beyond us, but we’re happy the Ivy Leagues have been exposed for the corrupt indoctrination centers that they actually are.
Now, Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren — who is running for president in 2020 (sometimes we forget) — spent her pre-Senate career as a law professor in Harvard. She was part of the same system that has been exposed as a rich people playground. To her credit, she didn’t earn her prestigious position by bribing her way into it. She did, however, lie about her ethnic heritage to score some affirmative action points. In the end, the result isn’t any different.
Senator Warren has been lying about her supposed Native American heritage her entire adult life. As it turns out, she even marked down her ethnicity as such for her bar examination. Apparently, she has less native heritage than your average Anglo-American, and has no Cherokee connections to speak of.
So, with all of this scrutiny on individuals cheating their way into higher academia, it’s impossible to gloss over Elizabeth Warren.
~ Facts Not Memes