Sorry to keep harping on the Nursing Home Killer, that sad bag of failure known as New York Governor Andrew Cuomo (Democrat). But the world of memes continues to flood social media with new material about Cuomo every single day.
Here’s Cuomo Photoshopped into a screen grab from that old “Who Wants to be a Millionaire” show. In case you live under a rock, Cuomo signed an executive order back in March that prohibited nursing homes from turning away sick patients who had been diagnosed with coronavirus.
The result was catastrophic. New York and New Jersey racked up 40% of all of coronavirus fatalities in the nation because of that decision.
The Governor of New Jersey (Democrat) and Governor Karen Crazy-eyes from Minnesota (Democrat) also signed executive orders that forced nursing homes to take in these sick patients, thereby killing off thousands of elderly Americans.
Maybe it’s a good thing that meme-world won’t let anyone forget about those executive orders. The Democrat Governors deserve all the credit in the world for it.