You watched Looney Toons as a child, didn’t you? Of course you did. Almost everyone in America did: they were amazing. Granted, the formula for cartoons like Roadrunner was as predictable as plots get. But that didn’t matter — it was always funny to watch Wiley Coyote kill himself 10 times over with 5 tons of dynamite.
Well, now we can all enjoy the same simple joy just by watching the Democrats do…whatever it is they believe they are doing. Pelosi and the rest of the Democratic leaders are all in on impeachment, even though it’s based entirely on a quid-pro-quo that didn’t actually happen. Whatever — Republicans should stand together and say “bring it on.”
Remember, it wasn’t long ago when the Senate was locked into paralysis over Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court confirmation. Polling data coming out at the time revealed that, if the mid-term elections were held then, Republicans had a shot at expanding their leads in both chambers of Congress. Yeah — Democrats were that off-putting.
You read it here first: the same exact thing will happen with this impeachment inquiry — especially if it moves forward.