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Chris Christie Returns? His New Plan To Destroy Trump

Chris Christie, the outspoken former Governor of New Jersey, has teased the possibility of reigniting his ambitions for the presidency, albeit from an unconventional angle as a third-party candidate. In a candid revelation, Christie highlighted the necessity of a thorough discussion with his wife, Mary Pat, about this potential political pivot. “It’d be a long conversation between me and Mary Pat, I can guarantee you that,” Christie said,.

Christie expressed optimism about the viability of “No Labels” candidates in disrupting the traditional two-party dominance in the upcoming 2024 presidential election. He boldly asserted that third-party candidates stand a “favorable chance of creating meaningful change,” signaling a call for a fresh approach to the nation’s political discourse and leadership.

Christie’s frustration with the Republican Party’s reluctance to firmly distance itself from former President Donald Trump was palpable. He lamented the lack of resolve among GOP contenders to effectively challenge Trump’s lingering influence.

“We have so many people in the GOP who complain about Trump, but none of them want to do the work to rid our party and nation of him,” he said.

Reaffirming his stance, Christie vowed not to support Trump in the general election, even speculating that Trump could potentially accept the Republican nomination “as a convicted felon” come July. This stark prediction is rooted in Christie’s belief in accountability and the rule of law, reflecting on the missed opportunity for the Senate to convict Trump in January 2021.

Christie’s reflection on endorsing Trump in 2016 as a “purely” political strategy was marked with regret. He described it as “the biggest mistake I’ve made in my political career,” vowing not to repeat such an error. This introspection and candid critique of his own decisions and the current state of the Republican Party highlight Christie’s evolving political journey and his aspirations for a more principled and effective approach to governance.

Author: Blake Ambrose

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21 thoughts on “Chris Christie Returns? His New Plan To Destroy Trump”

  1. Principaled approach to governance, huh? From never-Trumper Christie? hahahahahahahahhahahahahhahhhha
    His only principle is whatever advances his career. And the whole problem is career politicians.

  2. This lard A$$ should go sit on the beach and join the dolphins and whales washing up from the potential wind farms.

  3. Christy at one time was a rising star then he got elected governor and showed people he lacked integrity. Since then he has diminished in popularity. His only popularity being an attack dog for the forces of evil.

  4. I don’t understand the haters that are willing to try to destroy the entire country because of envy/hatred of one man. Please remember what the acronym, “MAGA”, means: Make America Great Again! How can the haters try to make that a bad thing? I personally, am very glad we finally found a President who loves our country and came in a wealthy, self made man so he had no reason to sell us out for financial gain. It’s too bad there are jealous, haters who can’t see that. Donald Trump is very strong, loves the country that provided opportunity for him to excel at his business and become successful. He has proven he is courageous and will stand up to our adversaries and enforce the laws that protect the U.S. Citizens and obvious has read the U.S. Constitution. I pray every day for President Trump to return to office, secure the boarder, find and deport our adversaries, terrorists and drug dealers dealers that have been allowed to come in illegally, resume fuel production and give the country back to the American Citizens so we can become a sovereign country again!

    1. You hit it right on the head with every word of your opinion. You are so right! I hope the majority of people who read your words see the truth of those words like I did.

      God bless you.
      Rose Roever

  5. Chris “Hog Face” needs to shut his fat face and go back to the pigs sty and shut up !!’
    He’s a failure for the 3 rd time so what makes him think he’s got a chance now ?!

  6. Mr. Christy, save yourself the humiliation. America knows you, never forget that. You are seen as a spoiled, vengeful little boy, laughed at every time you open your mouth. You will never be looked at as “presidential material”. Go back to your little room, stay there and shut your mouth. At one point I thought that you would have made a great president, your behavior has changed that thought forever.

  7. Crispycreme Christy on the beach !!?!?! Beached whale alert ! Ugh. Still another waste of breathable air, like. The McStains, peelousy, schcrewmer, potato head jeffie, the clintons and the obama boys !

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