The 2019 freshman class really brought out some of the worst that the American far-left has to offer.
While House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is presumably the leader of the Democratic Party in Congress, all the power seems to reside within three individuals — two of which are pictured here. Both have been caught saying blatantly anti-semitic things, and both have been forgiven for it immediately because they have “D’s” next to their names.
There’s a certain irony when Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar accuses Jewish Americans of having “double loyalty” because they tend to support Israel’s right to simply exist. Both Omar and Rep. Rashida Tlaib both hail from foreign backgrounds, and support the rights of both of those states to exist. Is this “double loyalty” as well?
Let’s talk about the real reason why they are able to get away with this. It goes beyond the simple fact that they’re both Democrats who are allowed to say whatever they want. Jews, by leftist logic, rank higher on the intersectional hierarchy of victimhood — above people of color and Muslims. Under this school of thought, success only happens when someone else is wronged.
This is the twisted logic guiding the Democratic Party today.
~ Facts Not Memes