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America Has Never Been (and Never Should be) a Democracy

This is one of the left’s most popular complaints in the United States, particularly when Republicans are in power.

In this image, which shows us frightening images of President Trump, Speaker Ryan, and Senate Leader Mitch McConnell, the content creator is railing against the GOP moving forward with tax reform — using the low approval ratings for everyone pictured as a counter argument.

These approval ratings, the content creator says, should essentially invalidate the legislative process — because “democracy.”

The truth is that the United States of America wasn’t designed to be a democracy, and has never once functioned as one either. Labelling America as such showcases a gross misunderstanding of what democracy is, and how the federal government works.

A democracy, a Greek concept which dictates “rule by many,” is essentially the absolute rule of the majority with no respect for anyone else.

Instead, America is a constitutional republic — a system which borrows elements of democracy, and ditches the excess. Under this system, representatives are elected to execute the will of the majority — while being constrained by legal limits to respect the minority.

Considering that the Republican Party hasn’t been able to pass any significant legislation thus far, liberals should be counting their lucky stars that we don’t live in a democracy.

~ Facts Not Memes

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