…you knew where we were going with this one.
Abortion is a tense topic in America, and that is absolutely never going to change no matter which way we end up going policy wise. What is fascinating is just how far the goal posts have moved in the past few decades. We’re slowly approaching the point where mainstream politicians are saying full-on murder is okay if you don’t make it through the birth canal.
In the 1990s, Democrats still held a more decidedly liberal position on abortion than Republicans did. However, they understood that most Americans weren’t okay with this, and at best regarded abortion as a (sometimes) necessary evil. This is what led then-President Bill Clinton to say that abortion should be “safe, legal, and rare.”
Well, we’ve come pretty far since then. In 2019, state governments in New York, Virginia, and others are moving to legalize third trimester abortions. In some instances, it would legalize the murder of a child up until the point of birth.
Ironically, the move by Democrats to the far left of this issue has pushed many centrist fence-sitters in the opposite direction. However, the position held by babies remains the same now as it has always been — to remain alive.