Okay, now that’s funny! Nothing like some dark, wildly inappropriate humor in memes to make us laugh and feel guilty for laughing as a once-beautiful American city is being burned to the ground by political agitators.
If you’ve had your television off for a few days, you might not realize that once again, George Soros has financed an election-year race riot in order to burn a city to the ground. Weird that we haven’t had any of these for the past three years, no? But… now we have riots breaking out in 2020. This is all by design.
Anyway, putting that all aside, props go out to this meme creator for reminding us that Hillary Clinton should probably be in jail for all the wildly illegal stuff that she did. But she’s not in jail, because every time someone is about to testify against her, they slip on a banana peel or their brakes fail, or they commit suicide in a jail cell while they’re on 24-hour suicide watch.
Be honest: You saw this meme coming a mile away, didn’t you? And even if you knew it was coming, it was still kind of funny.