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About Those Australian Wildfires Caused by “Global Warming”…

Wow, did this story ever get out of control. The fake news media and Greta the mystical climate child have been lamenting the terrible wildfires in Australia and have, of course, been blaming the fires on their weird weather religion. We never used to have fires before global warming, don’tcha know?

Except… there’s one little problem with this story. While you cannot prove that man’s activities contribute to changes in climate, we have scientific proof that the Australian wildfires were caused by man’s activities — more specifically, by teenage boys’ and girls’ activities.

The specific activity is arson. More than 200 people, mostly kids under the age of 18, have been arrested on arson charges in Australia. Most recently, three girls aged 12, 13 and 14 were arrested for setting 13 separate grassfires in New South Wales.

This is sick and totally weird. Did they coordinate the fires on social media? Did George Soros pay them all to go out and start fires, in hopes of “proving” that global warming is real? One thing that is for certain is that the Australian wildfires were not started due to “climate change.” Take that, Greta and CNN.

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