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A Suggestion on Where Pelosi Can Put Her Impeachment Pen

Well, it’s finally happened. After weeks or possibly months of delay, the “Articles of Impeachment” against President Donald Trump were finally signed and transmitted to the Senate. It’s the most pathetic and baseless attempt to remove a president that Americans have ever witnessed.

But Democrats in the House were in a celebratory mood. They even had gold-plated “impeachment pens” made to pass out to their friends, like it was a county fair or something. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was even grinning as she signed the Articles, before handing out the pens to her impeachment buds.

They somehow think that their fake impeachment of President Trump is a historic event. It is a historic event, but not for the reasons they believe. It’s historic because no previous Congress has been so childish and shallow that would actually impeach a president for entirely partisan reasons.

The whole thing is just sad and embarrassing. Even the French are looking at our elected officials right now and thinking, “Sacre bleu!”

We can’t wait for the Senate to throw it all back in Speaker Pelosi’s face, along with a suggestion on where she can put her little impeachment pens.

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