We can always count on the members at Occupy Democrats to get things completely backwards, and this post is no exception.
In this image, we see a collection of some of the worst people in America with the caption that reads “just look at all of this Republican heritage” — alleging that both the Confederacy and and the National Socialist German Worker’s Party (better known as the Nazis) are both spawns of the American conservative movement.
As we’ve mentioned here several times now, the Confederacy and its postwar sympathizers known as the Ku Klux Klan were formed by disgruntled Democrats upset with the Republican Party’s plans to abolish slavery.
As for the Nazis, there’s hardly any crossover with the conservative movement as Americans know it. If anything, their ideas on eugenics were influenced by American progressives like Margaret Sanger, who is revered as a god among the left.
Instead of labeling everyone allegedly to the right of them a Nazi, Democrats should consider more self-reflection.
~ Facts Not Memes