The Russian collusion story — that is, the two-year media narrative that President Donald Trump conspired with the Kremlin to defeat Democrat Hillary Clinton in 2016 — was effectively one of the highest rated television shows for years.
It’s no coincidence that MSNBC’s ratings have plummeted since Robert Mueller’s report fully exonerated the president of any collusion whatsoever. And while many in the media are in full denial, another nefarious actor is celebrating the seeds of division sewn by this story.
Russian President Vladimir Putin is a terrible person. In his own country, people who speak out against his government routinely disappear into the night. On top of that, his plans to re-annex the countries that were once part of the Soviet Union is barely a secret. By contrast, people who constantly criticize Trump are given primetime TV slots.
More than anyone else, Russia profits from a divided America. With the country stalled in constant partisan bickering, Russia is in a better position to make moves in Ukraine, and strengthen its influence in other parts of the world — truly the opposite of what any country in the western world wants.
Considering this, perhaps it’s time to revisit the collusion narrative…but from a different angle.
~ Facts Not Memes