People watching the 2020 election from foreign countries must have the impression that Donald Trump really is a dictator when they see things like this. The photo is a picture of an actual Biden campaign event.
People watching this in France must think, “Trump is a dictator who is faking this whole election thing, because there is no way that this could be a real event held by a real campaign.”
But it’s not fake. This is a real, honest-to-goodness, un-doctored photo of a Joe Biden campaign event. Feel the Joe-mentum, everyone! Sizzlin’ hot!
Meanwhile, Trump rallies continue to draw overflow crowds like no other candidate in American history. Every rally is jam-packed to the gills, with cheering Trump supporters eager for a chance to see the man trying to turn America’s destiny back from the globalist abyss we’ve been sliding into for decades.
Couldn’t they have at least put something on the table for this Joe Biden event with four people? Something like a nice little centerpiece that could distract everyone from the fact that this is a Joe Biden event with four people in attendance?