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This Leftist Trick on Spinning the Gun Control Debate Needs to Stop

Weeks after the mass shooting in Parkland, Florida led to the untimely and tragic deaths of 17 people, guns still top the headlines in virtually every mainstream news broadcast.

If all you’ve been watching is CNN over this time period, you might assume the debate on the modern application of the Second Amendment is over, and that it’s past time to finally ban so-called “assault weapons” from public access.

As we’ve discussed many times here, there are multiple problems with this logic — not the least of them being that the American people seem to understand that it was a lack of law enforcement, not a gun, that was primarily responsible for allowing the mass shooter to do what he did.

But there’s another problem: there is no such thing as an “assault weapon.”

Seriously, they don’t exist. No such legal classification for any firearm exists in the United States. Sure, there are automatic weapons — which have been banned for decades now — and there are sub-automatic weapons, which basically include every firearm in existence.

When Democrats call for a ban on semi-automatic weapons, they are essentially endorsing the end of the Second Amendment. Now, many seem to be okay with this, but the very least we can ask of them is to be honest about their intentions.

~ Facts Not Memes

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