If you read newspapers like the New York Times, the image to the left would almost seem familiar if it wasn’t obvious satire.
Towards the end of 2017, outlets like the Times and others reviewed President Donald Trump’s first year in office almost as if they were reading a bodycount left behind by a serial killer..
By freeing up the internet for more business competition, allowing taxpayers to keep more of their own money, fulfilling decades-long promises to old allies, and finally taking steps to secure the border, the president is apparently unleashing armageddon upon the world as we know it.
Make no mistake – Trump Derangement Syndrome is real. We saw it on Inauguration Day with on individual throwing himself on the ground beneath him when Trump was officially named President of the United States. We saw it again with so-called “women’s marches” which seemed to have little to do with protesting an actual form of oppression. We also saw it when young Americans literally staged an event to scream at the sky to protest the sitting president.
Seeing these events unfold as often as they do, it leads us to wonder if young Americans are suffering from mental illnesses at a disproportionate rate. But, when you take a look at the lies that are fed to them on a daily basis, it’s hard not to feel at least a little bit of sympathy.
~ Facts Not Memes