Empire star Jussie Smollett has officially outlived his usefulness for the mainstream media as he now faces a felony charge for faking a hate crime.
When Smollett first made his rounds, his claim was everything the mainstream media wanted. The people who beat him up were white men, Trump supporters, racist, and homophobic. They were basically the bad guys the media have been creating over the past ten years. As it turns out, they were actually two Nigerian black guys who were paid by the actor to stage the fake attempt on his life.
So now, even CNN and the Washington Post are having to issue corrections — and good on them for doing that. But, let’s not pretend things would be going this way if they weren’t already in the hot seat for slandering a bunch of high schoolers for wearing hats they didn’t like.
If it really takes a multi-million-dollar lawsuit to get the mainstream media in line, then so be it.
~ Facts Not Memes