Seriously, does anyone need a semi-automatic “assault” straw dispenser? Such a deadly device should only be in the hands of trained professionals. Think of the innocent children in movie theaters and restaurants!
Yes, this is how ignorant liberals sound whenever they talk about guns. Despite the fact that the vast majority of violent crimes involving guns are committed with sidearms (a fancy term for pistols, for our liberal readers), gun grabbers have their sights firmly set on semi-automatic rifles like the AR-15.
Now, let’s be clear about something: just about every weapon made ever in the modern age is “semi-automatic.” All this means is that one pull on the trigger discharges one bullet. That’s it. This is very different than fully-automatic weapons, which have been banned for civilian use since the 1980s. With those weapons, which are still used by military personnel, simply holding the trigger down will discharge a hail of ammunition.
Get ready to hear this same argument again and again every time the left-wing media decides to zero-in on some arbitrary incident which will probably take place in an area where everyone has been disarmed — except for the criminal.
~ Facts Not Memes