Not that most liberals would care, but even the Almighty has a strict immigration policy. Thankfully for many of them, they’re going to a place where their open border fantasies are realized.
This is the message delivered by the First Southern Baptist Church, and it’s too good not to share. To be clear, we’re not passing the judgement that all the lefty never-Trumpers who want to abolish ICE and give every refugee on the planet a welfare check are going to Hell. Christians believe such a judgement is only God’s to make, and we like that message. However…we’re not saying they’re completely safe either.
Of course, there is a deeper meaning to this sign that goes beyond the partisan. Why does Hell have open borders? Well, that’s because the Devil will accept anyone. There is no requirement to go to Hell. You don’t have to exercise virtue. You don’t have to work hard. You don’t have to live your life with compassion for others. All you really need to do is exist.
Heaven is the opposite. There are specific demands and requirements. And this is exactly what makes it a preferable place to spend eternity — if you believe in that sort of thing. Perhaps countries are the same way?
~ Facts Not Memes