According to the narrative peddled by the mainstream media and progressive academics, more children than ever are expressing interest in gender fluidity and even transition therapy.
If you ask the typical leftist to explain this phenomenon, you’ll probably hear something along the lines of transgenderism being more widely accepted now than it has been in the past, so children feel safer expressing themselves in this way. But let’s take a step back and look at what’s really going on.
Think about the children in your life: how many of them think about gender — or sexuality — at all? Unless you’re a dysfunctional parent, the answer is probably never. Because they’re children. Gender identity and sexuality aren’t part of their lives yet, because they’re biologically incapable of it.
So, what’s really happening? Leftist parents are using their children as props to promote a political message. That’s it. This isn’t exactly new, or even exclusive to the left. You could make the argument that a child holding up a MAGA flag doesn’t exactly know why he or she is doing so, and that would be valid.
Knowing this, what makes you think a normal child has any honest interest in transition therapy?
~ Facts Not Memes