A full week after the release of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report fully exonerated President Donald Trump of all collusion allegations with the Russian government, Democrats are latching onto everything — anything — they can to keep the narrative alive.
While the attorney general’s summary of the report makes it very clear that this whole thing is dead, language in the report is slightly more vague in regards to obstruction of justice charges against the president. Some on the left — including some Democrats in Congress — are using this to suggest that it is still possible to “get Trump” with an obstruction of justice charge. There’s just one problem with that…
If Trump didn’t conspire with the Russian government, or committed any crime at all to get elected, what exactly is there to obstruct?
That’s right — Trump can’t be charged with obstruction of justice. Is, however, fully guilty of the ultimate obstruction, and really the penultimate crime for the left — he got in Hillary’s way. And at the end of the day, that’s what this whole thing has really been about, hasn’t it?
~ Facts Not Memes