David Hogg, the Parkland mass shooting survivor turned gun control celebrity thanks in big part to the mainstream media worshipping him for weeks, wants you to believe that democracy in the United States is almost over.
In this tweet, encouraging followers to vote (for Democrats) in November, is the latest display of leftist hysteria gone amok. According to Hogg, President Donald Trump and the Republicans in Congress are close to scrapping all elements of democracy, and replacing it with some sort of top-down authoritarian bureaucracy that controls every aspect of our lives.
That’s a pretty strange statement. It’s almost as if Hogg has the party of small government confused with socialists or something.
What we see here is no surprise — Hogg was an alarmist in the immediate aftermath of the Parkland mass shooting, and he’s an alarmist now. His profane calls to arms have made it clear how he views what political discourse should be: hostile towards everyone who disagrees with the established leftist narrative.
Unfortunately, Twitter has already given this teenager his coveted blue checkmark, so we’re going to be hearing form him for a while (Twitter only bans conservatives).
~ Facts Not Memes