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Soup Nazi Has a Special Announcement for Trump Haters

For those who haven’t heard yet, President Trump has directed the Treasury Department to send assistance checks to all Americans as a result of the Chinese coronavirus. Checks will go out in April and May. The deadline for paying your income taxes has also been extended by 90 days (but still file before April 15.)

Naturally, liberals suffering from advanced TDS have mixed feelings about this. They really want the money, but let’s be honest, okay, liberals? If you take those assistance checks from President Trump, you are literally a Nazi.

How are you feeling right now, conflicted liberals? Because you’ve been calling all of Trump’s supporters Nazis for three-plus years now even though you know it’s not true. But now… YOU’RE the Nazis if you take the money, right? It’s pretty much blood money that Trump has stolen from all the immigrants he said mean things about on Twitter, right?

You can’t accept the money, liberals. And here’s a meme featuring the Soup Nazi from “Seinfeld” to help hammer that point home. If you’ve ever jumped on Twitter to screech that Trump is not your president… “No checks for you!”

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