Monday was a helluva day for the Trump administration: President Donald Trump himself was exonerated of all alleged “collusion” with the Russian government, as well as obstruction of justice.
That same day, we saw Michael Avenatti — the creepy porn lawyer who threw himself into the Russian collusion narrative for no reason at all — was arrested and is looking at serious jail time. The charges are unrelated, of course, but there is an amazing irony here.
It’s also worth noting that Avenatti was also arrested earlier this year on a domestic violence charge — and that the lawyer was once seriously considering running for president with a considerable amount of support from liberal Americans.
Of course, the important story is that it has been confirmed that the federal government is not compromised by the Kremlin — one of America’s most substantial geo-political rivals. This should be considered a good thing by every American. Nevertheless, many regressive leftists are disappointed that they didn’t get the kill-shot they wanted. Now, they actually have to field a candidate and win an election — but they’re not very good at that.
~ Facts Not Memes