Former Washington, DC Mayor Marion Barry once launched an interesting defense of himself back in 1990 when police raided his hotel room and busted him smoking crack. Barry blamed his mistress. You probably remember the famous video of Barry proclaiming, “The b**ch set me up!”
It was pretty hilarious and pathetic. But not as pathetic as Democrats in DC electing Barry as mayor again in 1994, after he got out of prison for crack.
Now the “Marion Barry Defense” has resurfaced after Nancy Pelosi was caught getting her hair styled in a COVID-shuttered San Francisco salon. Pelosi claims that the salon set her up.
The ridiculous non-apology from Pelosi has caused the internet to explode with creative memes mocking the Speaker of the House. This one features what Pelosi might look like if it had been an actual set-up and not just another embarrassing example of a privilege Democrat getting busted for doing things that they ban the rest of us from doing.
Hey, if she did suddenly have President Trump’s head of glorious hair, then we might have actually believed her about the whole “set-up” excuse. But you’re going to have try harder, Pelosi.