If you ask the average leftist why he or she hates capitalism so much, you’re likely to get a response touching on the utter cruelty of market economies.
In meritocracies, people aren’t simply taken care of because they exist — they are expected to provide for themselves as much as they can. The state, funded through taxation, takes care of the societal functions the masses can’t provide for themselves — such as a military apparatus to keep the populace safe from external and internal threats.
This, according to many leftists, is the definition of cruelty. Now, you might imagine such bleeding hearts to put their convictions on the line and make up for it through charitable action. As it turns out, registered Republicans are much more prolific donors to charity groups. Why is this? Why would people who are so concerned about the poor fail to see the irony here?
If you suspect that this is about a bit more than an undying love for the poor, you’re not alone.
~ Facts Not Memes