Barely a week ago, Native American protester turned national icon Nathan Phillips was a Vietnam War Veteran who just wanted to prevent the Black Hebrew Israelites and Covington Catholic kids from clashing into each other.
Now, we all know that Phillips was a refrigerator tech for the U.S. Marine Corps in the 1970s, was never deployed to Vietnam, and has a long history of confrontation with people he disagrees with. He has changed his story multiple times since his initial interview with CNN, but that doesn’t matter — he is still claiming a victim status. Hilariously enough, fake Native American and Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren was more than happy to support these lies. It’s like meme creators set this situation up themselves for our amusement.
Senator Warren, who is running for president in 2020, threw her political weight firmly behind the debunked lie that Phillips was accosted by a bunch of racist high school kids in Make America Great Again hats. This isn’t even close to what happened, but that doesn’t matter to Warren or the mainstream media that reported it.
At this point, conservatives should actually cheer the mainstream media on. They are proving themselves to be the dishonest fools President Trump and others have been saying they are for a long time.
~ Facts Not Memes