Just in case you’ve been wondering what the opinion writers at HuffPost have been up to lately, we have late update: they’re unemployed..
Huffington Post, along with Buzzfeed and other left-wing click-bait sites had to massively cut their staff lately — with each outlet citing revenue concerns as the chief reason. Considering how long HuffPost and sites like it have been vomiting content like the screenshot to the left, it really comes as no surprise that readers just aren’t terribly interested in being insulted every day.
The example you see here is from 2018, but this sentiment continued well into the following year. The hatred for even the concept of traditional family life is on full display, and it is presented as an existential threat for everyone with a so-called alternative lifestyle. This vile divisiveness is based on complete falsehoods. Believe it or not, the majority of conservative Christian Americans really don’t care what you do in your own bedroom or home — they just don’t want whatever you’re selling to be forced up on them.
With the entirety of HuffPost’s op-ed staff gone, you may think that columns like these are on their way out. We’re personally not holding our breath…
~ Facts Not Memes