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How Republicans Deal with Losing Elections

The streets of Washington, DC erupted into chaos last Wednesday after broadcasters confirmed the Democratic Party will control the U.S. House of Representatives following Tuesday’s midterm election votes.

Except that didn’t happen at all, because it never does.

Republicans expected to lose the House by at least a little bit, as parties that hold the White House typically take legislative losses in off-year elections. It certainly wasn’t the blue tidal wave left-leaning pundits predicted and hoped for, but it was a net win for the Democrats.

Now, we all remember what happened in 2016 when Donald Trump won the presidency and Republicans strengthened their hold on Congress. It’s still happening now. Pussy hat-wearing, black-clad, wannabe revolutionaries began a protest that refuses to end. In the face of Republican defeat in 2018, conservatives couldn’t be any more lukewarm about it.

At the end of the day, it’s really no wonder why no right-wing alternative to Antifa exists. Sure, there are hardliners that could definitely find the time to be just as upset and express it just as stupidly, but they’re usually only free on the weekends.

~ Facts Not Memes

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